Infinite Blessed Renewals Of The Sacredness of Everyday Eternal Moments

I remember when an old friend once commented on a “missed opportunity” of a potential rendezvous that never ended up happening. It was in reference to another friend during a private conversation between us. But more poignantly, his attached emotion asserted a grieving for the dirge of a moment that did not go the way he wanted or expected. He’s not the only grown man I know that suffers from ‘mantrums.’ I’ve fallen prey to them myself. Ah, the clinging and grasping of life is the root of our suffering. We all suffer and suffering is merely part of the human experience, myself included.

Moreover, as expanding souls, it is natural for we humans to desire and want more. But it is also an opportunity for choosing gratitude for what is. Without this practice, happiness as a way of life is impossible. Even when we get what we want, it is a sad and lonely story on the inside of a person who remains hooked into the cycle of grasping and clinging. Self examination reveals this experience always leads to disappointments and the accompanying funeral procession. It’s not that I don’t have my moments here. It’s just that I tend not to get as sucked into them as I used to.

Even the committed optimist or followers of positive psychology fall prey to wanting to hold tight to what we fear we will lose. This is because it is natural to experience the tragedy of life that is not without its grieving and trauma aware process. Moreover, the same old friend once said to me, “Ari, I think you and I have different definitions of friendship.” And I agreed with him. Because his definition is more typical and normal, from an old world reality. From this perspective, it’s tit for tat, I’ll scratch your back and then you scratch mine. It’s as if there’s a punch in/punch out clock that keeps a tally of a friendship that is based on competitive acts. Who is one upping who?

Beyond this behavioral trap, I do have some old relationships that appear somewhat akin to basketball legends Larry Bird and Magic Johnson’s. It’s the kind of relationship where we don’t see each other or talk for years and then when they reconnect, it’s like we don’t skip a beat. There aren’t any resentments about the time stamp between our communication because neither of us are really keeping track. And if there were any feelings that need to be cleared up, this kind of relationship allows for a healthy conversation about it. If anything, there’s a shared experience of gratitude for the reconnection. You just never know what unexpected surprises or gifts the Universe might bring. When one door closes, another door opens.

Lets face facts here . . . All adults are like big kids. And like kids, we tend to act out. The old paradigm did not teach us effective ways to express ourselves, including how we communicate with each other. It has done a good job of teaching us to pretend and hide our true feelings, from each other but more importantly ourselves. Dysfunctional and deeply engrained behavioral patterns have taught us how to use what my “Aunt that likes to rant” has called “secret decoder rings” and how to manipulate and control each other- even in cleverly covert and subtle (or not so subtle) ways.

For example, if you are maintaining a relationship that is based on guilt driven motivations, that’s something to look at inside of yourself. If you feel like you did something wrong, based on someone else’s energetic output, that’s something to look at within yourself. Consider the ritual of gift giving. There’s nothing wrong with ritual. But the power of ritual awakens spiritually when it is done with a sacred connection and done so without a sense of expectation. But when the ritual is for the sake of ritual and the gifts have an underlying edge of expectation, there’s a difference.

As humans, we all get insecure, have attachments and want to be loved. So it stands to reason that we have a tendency to cling and grasp to FOMO (fear of missing out). Bruce Springsteen’s lyrics capture the sentiment here, “it’s sad funny ending to find yourself pretending you’re a rich man in a poor man’s shirt.” Accepting this tension of opposites, like the Boss would say, reveals “better days are shining through.”

Remember what we were taught as children: Stop. Look. Go. There’s a time and a place for running the hurry up offense, to use an American football metaphor. But most of the time we’re rushing through life, there’s no need to do so- particularly with regards to racing thoughts or what Taoism calls the Chattering Monkey Mind.

Be Kind To Your Mind Folks,


Soul Liberation!

When gently gazing at my disease to please in the mirror . . .

I compassionately see your own need to be needed reflecting back at me.

Are they really any different?

Such attachments invite seductive medications, like band aids or other life support systems.

But when we find the courage to go beyond drinking the Kool Aid or ingesting anesthesia;

We have the opportunity to take back our projections.

There is an awakening into a mystical quest through the Dark Night of the Soul . . .

A rebirth flickers like a light at the end of a tunnel.

These inner dimensions are worth examining!

Old relationships have been built on the bonds of attachment.

When they burn in a funeral pyre, they are called by the fire to transform.

Alchemy is sparked on the inside.

A ripple effect is felt by others, whether realized or not.

This is cosmic karma at play . . .

When a minority healthy perspective lives in a room full of insanity,

it is easy to be seen as an outcast.

Because from the position of normative madness,

wellness can feel like the odd man out, or woman if you are one.

Except that from a clearer perspective,

you see from a new reality that is now as obvious as it once was hidden.

Another entanglement with form has been released . . .

A dismantling of an ego-identification is not without feelings of loss.

And then there is grieving in the death of the old self with that.

Spirits are lifted and freed from their entrapment of excess baggage.

There is a relaxation from feeling suffocated or feeling tugged on by suffering.

A full bellied breath of fresh air is empowering;

Now that’s soul liberation!

Here is an inspirational old folk song that I recorded recently:

Inner Peace, Coregulation, Turtles, And A Full Snow Moon.

Images Created by Aunt Barbara Merlotti

A Full Snow Moon arrives on February 27th, and welcomes back ancestral traditions of honoring this Moon for representing peak snowfall accumulation. If rocks are part of your spiritual path, it’s a good time to let them rest and recharge underneath this Full Moon so that you can recalibrate them in your sacred meditation space. We all need to rest, especially with the cultural war raging on, coupled with the slow melt of the pandemic. It isn’t just the school community I work in that is hitting the wall during these hard times. And the lingering shadows of Old Man Winter are nothing to sneeze at either, if you’ll pardon the puns. But visions of Vernal Equinox, and Big Night, when the salamanders make their romantic midnight run to get it on, dance sensuously in our hearts and heads. How do tiny salamanders make it to far reaching vernal pools against all odds? Indeed, they have great forces of Nature, and lurking predators to contend with. Maintaining perspective is a key dynamic to happiness as a way of life. Patience in communication with each other is critical to that. Building bridges of understanding in our connections with one another will support positive development in human relationships.

Switching horses for a moment, when I think of turtles, I think of survivors. Turtles have been around longer than humans, and have even left dinosaurs in the dust. If you’re anything like the rest of the planet and me, then you could probably stand to meditate on the virtue of patience. Whenever I feel like I’m pushing the river or running the hurry up offense unnecessarily, I try to remember to keep my wits about me by visualizing a turtle to help ground me to the Earth. If only I can catch the wave of a mindful moment to swim with the current by allowing what is to happen, rather than striving to make it happen. Easier said than done. In my younger days, the spirit of Rabbit dominated my energy field over Turtle, as I was almost always on the hop. Who would I be without the charge of my hypervigalant nervous woodland creature energy? Suffering from young man’s disease means that you see faster as better, and competative worrying as a strength. But as my years of living on the planet advance, I feel more connected to Turtle’s spiritual therapy these days.

Furthermore, it is wise to realize that happiness doesn’t mean that we are above or below the tones of pleasant, unpleasant, and neutral feelings. If you are paying purposeful attention to your feelings, then you’ll notice that most of them don’t last more than 15 to 30 seconds. Indeed, they are like a river. So, what’s with all the sensational headliners? Is this suffering really an outrage or will this too so shall pass? Not to project my anthropomorphism onto Turtle, but I do believe their spirits will just watch without any judgment or clinging to any primary feelings or secondary emotions that might arise in its wake. Pretty sure Turtle wouldn’t get seduced into a partisan Congressional quagmired debate. No dark earmarks, bloated military industrial complex budget, Qanon or Trumpamania either. Perhaps more likely, we might entertain a peaceful, and non-violent act of civil disobedience. But melting the ice I don’t think so. This doesn’t mean turtles aren’t fierce or that they’re wimpy. They’ll let you know when they’re angry, and are good teachers on knowing when to retreat into your shadowy shell or let your head out into the sun for some vitamin d. 

More importantly, revolutionary spirit is in the air as we move in a New Aquarian Age. But what old ways still have meaning in this New Earth we are transitioning in together? Cocreating Heaven on Earth means that we are getting in touch with the better angels of our Higher Selves to support our universal connection to one another during our shared coexistence on Mother Earth. Diversity in Unity means that we are all connected. Like may attract like, but remember that even opposites attract because the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. All voices matter so that we can honor our differences, and also be true to our oneness. Clearly, there are old patterns and wounds that we still need to release and heal before we can really move forward. Part of that healing is to hear that the attraction to Trump is “a belief that government should not run our lives, and limit our freedoms.” And while I can appreciate the sentiment, he is part of the problem, not the solution. BIPOC and LGBTQ + are not a threat to humanity, but rather weave an integral part of our collective inner tapestry.

For example, take a look at Bernie Sanders as an embodiment of revolutionary spirit, and of working Turtle energy in the positive. Now that’s an elderly white man of privilege that will give you the shirt off his back. All people like him are saying is that capitalism, socialism, and the democratic process can all coexist equally.  “The spiritual war that we have in our world right now wants us to cling to these fearful stories, take sides, and blame someone for our pain. We have to remember our togetherness and really what unites us which is our spirit. Our spirit is made of all of the same Divine Light.” Letting go of the Military-Industrial Complex’s concentration of power in our lives is breaking down, and we can see that through the eyes of disorder in our world. There is no one size fits all T-shirt folks. Don’t be tricked into believing that fixed ideas and attachments to them are not the real natural disasters and war drums that divide and conquer us. There is enough, and we can all win. It is unconstitutional not to level the playing field by promoting the general welfare of the public. But isn’t that obvious?

Looking back, we have discussed the growing body of evidence that supports the existence of the UFOs, extraterrestrials, multidimensional beings, etc. But keep in mind, there are many historical reports of these phenomena that existed prior to the Roswell incident back in July, 1947. For example, Leonardo Da Vinci was reportedly visited by “light beings”, and  Michelangelo, Christopher Columbus, and Nostradomus reportedly saw some sort of UFO or otherwise unexplained apparent aerial phenomena that shifted their consciousness back then. Also, there are many culturally accepted stories by Indiginous people about “sky people” that trace lineage connections to humankind. Here in America, “multiple states” reported sightings in the 1800s. In his book Passport to the Cosmos: Human Transformation and Alien Encounters (1999), the late Dr. John E. Mack, who was a Harvard psychiatrist, and department chair, came out for his support of his clients that claimed to have been abducted by aliens. Dr. Mack believed that his clients had experienced something real that was traumatic, perhaps that their souls had really been abducted. However, it was unclear whether this experience was physical or more multidimensional in nature. A trauma informed lens would appreciate the meaningful reality of what they went through that had lead to transformational experiences in their consciousness. What is it that we need to revisit in our consciousness? What more do we have to learn about the truth of this phenomena as the Pentagon continues to relax its guarded secrecy, and disclose the information that it has been hiding from us?

Additionally, during this “dreamy” Pisces time of year, it is a time to “let go, surrender . . . (and) connect to our oneness, own spiritual path, mystical side of life, (and) reorder the sacredness of life.” It is within the elemental forces now to examine an old part of yourself that needs to die so that you can be reborn. During this process, we are invited to face our fears, and explore what is hiding in the shadows of our unconscious so that we can “bring love to it.” Meditation on Venus’ rising tide evokes passages through a death/rebirth cycle of inner transformation that reflects an out with the old, in with the new perspective that mirrors springtime. Many moons ago, I remember an old friend saying that she “got depressed” around springtime. This makes sense because it is natural to grieve the loss associated with the death of the old self. You might not even like Winter, but even so it can be hard to say goodbye to yesterday. Remember that we are part of Nature, not separate from Her, nor Her seasons. But the sun of Father Sky still rises to lighten our spirits, and the Moon still shines on and moves the tides. As humans, we are mostly water, which is a conductor of sound frequency, which Whale is deeply aligned with. “We are assisting mother Gaia (Earth) in giving birth. She has been waiting for us, patiently. Her water has broken and we are gathered ’round to assist her in any and every way possible. She doesn’t ask that we prepare in any way. She simply asks us to show up and assist her to remain calm and trust that all will go well in her delivery process. The cataclysmic occurrences on the planet as of recent have simply been Gaia’s very intense labor contractions. She needs us now, more than ever.”

Finally, according to the sacred geometrical Arcturian wisdom, “The energy of frequency helps you remain within your own energy. Quite often we conform ourselves to others, thus raising or lowering ourselves to a frequency that isn’t ours. By proclaiming your truth with love, you will start processes that may influence others. More unity will be visible!” Moreover, inner peace is about a vibrational-dimensional shift that takes place from the inside out. That being said, a trauma-informed/mental health oriented term that is gaining popularity in schools today is called coregulation. When you get down to the nuts and bolts of it, anyway you shapeshift, coregulation is when we are able to influence each other in ways that supports empathic heartfelt connections with each other.

In conclusion, you’ve all heard the old saying, misery loves company. That’s why sympathy cards and gossip generate so much attraction. But generally speaking, neither does much by way of co regulation or helping anybody. There isn’t anything wrong with holding a sympathetic perspective toward someone or indulging in a little news gossip once in a while. There can be an element of catharsis to commiserating with a fellow coworker, peer, friend or family member from time to time. But just know that it doesn’t serve anyone’s well being when it becomes habitual, and ingrained in your everyday life. If anything, this pandemic has taken away the IV drip from the gossip and sympathy addicts. What have been their replacement strategies? While that remains a mystery, a 6th greader I know took my advice and has gone on a news fast, and has reported a significant decrease in his anxiety and paranoid thoughts. Also, I know many people who have started meditating, wearing items of power like crystal necklaces or other spiritual trinkets, playing around with smudging themselves or giving themselves energy baths with essential oils, or playing with chimes, singing bowls or utilizing meditation/mindfulness apps on their phones. These are all gadgets that help you make a dimensional-vibrational shift into inner peace, or become more adept at empathic coregulation. You can always become an agent of change by starting with yourself. Or you could just march to the beat of your own hum.

Take care of yourselves everyone,


Powered By Blue Heron, We Wade Through Life’s Waters With Rugged Individualism

A Strawberry Full Moon descends on our fields early on in the week ahead
A.K.A. Rose Moon on traditional European shores

Heron lands with firm conservative footing
Anchored in an energetic footprint of
aggressive self-determination and self-reliance

Imagine planetary movers, shakers and followers of authentic conservatism
Becoming positive role models of these ideals in their day-to-day operations
Then Heron’s Higher truths would become self-evident

Heron’s long legs cue us to connect with our Mother Earth
Animal Spirits are helpful guides to venture into the Dreamtime
Bringing back wisdom for powerful living when docking back in our waters here

We are multidimensional beings . . .
Our Universe has no place for weapons of mass destruction
It is time to let them go with clean love and clean care

Now is the time to release ego-centered, aristocratic-oligarchical intentions
And move on up into win-win, power to the people global relations

Are you hip to a growing movement of folks traveling into alternate realities –
while leaving their bodies behind?

But meditation on Heron brings us back to the Earth and into our form
Reminding us to nurture our roots growing into the Motherland
We are at home here on Earth and in our bodies
Do you feel Her heartbeat and your own in alignment as One?

Picture the living energy housed in your body
Draining downward from the soles of your feet
Feeling your flowing energy sinking into the ground

Remembering tolerance for others who have not arrived at this
Inner state of consciousness or are less wired this way in their orientations
Builds a foundation of empathy in all of us

In order to successfully wade through the murky waters of a
Dying old world into a blossoming New Earth . . .
We need to quiet our mind into the mindful world of meditative self-examination

It is good medicine to hear when to be sharp
Understand when to stick your neck out and snatch an opportunity and
Know how to stand on your own two legs

Even on the surface –
Nature reflects its depth
We are all mirrors of progressive evolution

Mercury in Retrograde resurrects the ghosts of yesteryear
A death of an old self and revisiting past relationships
Reveals information about the kind of person we want to become today

We need “jack of all trade” generalists in our modern world of specialization –
Opening our eyes to see the “big picture”
There is security in knowing that there are many roads to get to your destination

Heron awakens the ability to readjust our perspective

Flying away from marshes of a “that’s just the way we’ve always done it” mentality
Soaring fluidly into the shores of infinite solution-focused possibilities

The energy of Heron reflects Nature’s changing tides –
Awakening Unity in our collective consciousness
Riding along with respect for our unique diversity

“Imagine there are no countries . . . it’s easy if you try”

Trans-gender bending is part of a transition into a New Age and Paradigm
As is sitting comfortably in your own skin . . .

Not a far cry from women having the choice to work outside the home,
racial equality or men growing their hair long as a
political statement challenging The Rising Tide of Conformity

Rather than robotically doing what the
programmed voices inside our heads and hearts say
we should or shouldn’t do

Heron’s message to us is to listen to the wise sage within

See you further on up the trails,


Sticking to the Points of Porcupine’s Prophetic Wisdom

We are kissed by a strong Pink Full Moon today –
Oh what a greeting!
Dancing under a bright Spring Eclipse setting

A powerful and transformative catalyst illuminates the scenery . . .
Picture a budding green New World

Have you caught wind of the pungent stink of rebirth in the air?

We humans are mostly water –
So, it stands to reason that, on some level at least,
we are all affected by Full Moon’s
In much the same way as “hospitals, police stations and the ocean’s tides”
Might as well swim with Her currents

Isn’t that just another opportunity for deepening our empathy for one another?

Porcupine medicine stimulates the flow of innocence and joy
Reawakening a sense of wonder energetically
A light-hearted feeling of detachment is rediscovered playfully

Some Native American tribes use Porcupine quills to
stimulate energy to get stuck emotional waters
become flowing streams

Tribal wisdom on this continent is akin
to ancient Taoist wisdom that brought acupuncture needles to these shores

It is as if Porcupine leaves behind an air of nonchalant humor that jests
that even beyond China, that’s just the way the egg rolls

Yes, we live in an intense outer world with serious problems
But there are more powerful than usual spirited energies
that want us to see infinite solutions
facilitate positive changes moving away from our dysfunctional ways

Do you have enough faith to move mountains and trust in a Divine Plan?

Learning to dance in our daily walk
Awakens a sense of blissful adventure

Try not to get pricked by our anxiety-ridden, adult-centric old world
of fear, greed and suffering . . .
Train yourself to let go of
the toxicity of manipulation, dog eat dog and an eye for an eye mentality

Be open to the magical mind of child
There is strength in vulnerability
But keep your inner child well protected

Try not to get swayed by what others think you should or shouldn’t be doing
Explore fun and enjoyable activities that you want to do

Are you feeling charged by the emotional barbs of others?

“Freedom comes when we deal with the pain behind the button,
thus disconnecting our automatic reaction to being pushed”

We are all created intrinsically equal
Nobody is built better or worse than anyone else
We just have different talents
that, with our diverse gifts, we can help build a better world for all of us

Curiosity stimulates our minds and resurrects our souls . . .
Know the power of imagination and fantasy
just waiting to be discovered within the mundane world of everyday life

Even a grumpy old bear is inspired by Porcupine’s way
of enjoying playfully childlike games.

May we allow our identification with intellectualism to fall away
As we spring forth a fiery heart’s intuition

See you further on up the trails,


Tunneling Underground with Groundhog

Groundhogs radically lower their body temperature, respiration and heartbeat
Securing a protected slumber to keep safe and sound while frozen in time
During this week’s Full Snow Moon

Do you ever feel like you are sleepwalking through life in a hypnotic trance?
Every day is the same
Like Bill Murray’s character in the iconic film Groundhog Day
Even when killing himself, he cannot escape his suffering

But there is a way out of our suffering by leaning into our pain

A Groundhog’s Winter hibernation
Symbolizes death and rebirth while we are breathing
Waking-Up the embers of underground unconsciousness
Unearthing mysteries of death without dying

Pregnant with dreamy seeds of who we want to become
When Spring Eclipse season buds into our consciousness
While slumbering in dark tunnels of our soul

Lucid dreaming sheds light on our underground digging and tunneling
Do you feel your subconscious mind waking-up?

Life and death are deeply mysterious unknowns
But we do not have to physically die to live
with a healthy relationship with our mortality

Regardless of the weather forecast, unexpected changes happen
Order and chaos are in a fluctuating tango
Our boarders and edges soften with time

Are you sending clear signals for boundaries you want respected?

Mercury in retrograde resurrects relationships from our past
Use this period to release and let-go of stagnant energies
Like feeling abandoned, rejected, resentful or bitter
Gently allowing healing to take place instead of developing an attitude

Regarding past regrets . . .
Remember that you win when you choose forgiveness
Give yourself permission to grieve so that you can move forward

Are you handling the accompaniment of mixed and conflicting feelings
that are rising up to the surface without getting stuck in global overwhelm?

But rather than skillfully avoiding our pain and discomforts
Through sophisticated symptom relief . . .
If only we develop our tolerance threshold, accept and even embrace
our internal deaths and rebirths with grace

We breathe in the fresh air of every living moment . . .
And then exhale its death in the next moment of kin . . .

We can let go of our resentments and digest bitter
Relaxing the charge we have felt by our pain

If only we learn to live in the present as it happens
We gently allow a distant past of abuses or projected future fantasies
Pass with care

We awaken to the metaphor of reincarnation
Transcending the Law of Cause and Effect
Reworking and revisiting Groundhog Day
Into a magical mystery tour of
Right Now!

See you further on up the trails,


Out on the Ponds with Loon

A waning Full Moon and Western New year passed us by last week
Later on next month we come into a Chinese-Lunar New Year
Streaming in undercurrent tides of Spring energetics

From dusk til dawn . . .
Loon guides us further into the oceanic depths of the Dreamtime
Calling out to us to reawaken hidden selves

Do your underwater dreams want to come up for air?

A cold winter blanket makes for warm self-reflection

Old hopes, wishes and dreams are wanting to express themselves right now
Submerged within the depths of our sea of consciousness

Are you allowing your imagination and dream life to work for you?

Venture across the outer waters of your soul’s terrain
Into mysterious dark places wanting to see the light of day

Do you need to get our of your box and
become more comfortable in different environments?

Silent lucidity changes the trajectory of our dreams
Shifting our gears into unexplored trails of our unfolding life maps

Are you having a hard time distinguishing fantasy from reality?

Cultivating a sacred space breathes stability into
our free-spirited fluctuations in feelings and imaginative possibilities

Home is where the Heart is
But not without minding your head

Do you ever feel like your life is a re-run of a reality show gone mad?

Take a step-back and become a spiritual watcher
noticing how our thoughts and feelings connect
the dots of our repetitive behavioral patterns

Are we allowing ourselves to grieve those close to us that have passed on recently?
Feeling the funeral procession and ring tone of feelings that
reverberate in ghostly acoustics

Facing our own mortality can be terrifying . . .
Begging questions regarding what happens to us when we die?

In the death of Winter, unexpected losses leave behind
dark and stormy mixed emotions
When faced authentically, they add to the complexities of living

And celebrate their time alive we will
While tuned in to a spirited living drumbeat in your soul today

Listening to our bodies reveals balancing work, play, rest and diet

Without meditation as a critical part of our daily routine
It will become harder to sit with what is now
and moving onward along the trails ahead
Distractions to following our soul path will become more challenging

A slow and low tempo heeds
Universal promptings that are designed to return our energy to ourselves

See you further on up the trails,


Climbing the Mountain with Lion

King of the Mountain Lion represents the gentle roar of leadership
Leaving behind power without force in its tracks
Sometimes, being a leader means silently relishing in the growth of others

Climbing the final leg of the trail
Head on with graceful powerful balance of mind-body-spirit
Brings powerful intention into our physical world

Darkness ascends on the Winter Solstice meeting its zenith
Also coming soon we become a New Moon beacon of light
Resurrecting Christ Consciousness in our souls symbolizing new beginnings

Responsibility is a panic-free zone
Awakening to the ability to respond to any given situation

Do you remember the power of our tribal African shamanic brothers and sisters?
Fly away and meditate on the elemental forces of water and darkness for a spell . . .

How many times have we feared our own primal, dark and feminine nature?

The power of the internal martial arts is cultivated gradually
A cumulative effect of simmering softness of Yin energy

Particularly in America . . .
The heat of race relations is rising to the surface again
As is class consciousness and a desire for protective security
Stoking our embers and trigger points

Have you bought into learned helplessness
Or do you see an opportunity for transformative healing?

Yes, in terrorist fashion this land was squatted from our indigenous people
and then free labor was unjustly imported from the Motherland
And still today, a greedy minority balks at playing fair ball

We have discussed in this blog that the
dominant majority prefers to go unexamined
Picture the leaders of the Empire
coming clean and welcoming the rest of us to the bargaining table
in the spirit of trust and authenticity

But getting stuck in our own hate will consume us
so that we feed off this energy like the Walking Dead
Cannibalistic as that might sound
We are what we eat – spiritually speaking

We need to release our hate and set ourselves free of the bondage of slavery
Economic strangulation and unequal access to resources is a form of genocide

Our subconscious minds are lulled into repetitive negative thoughts
But we have the power replace our cognitive distortions
with simple positive affirmations
Believe in and feel them walking into our Being

We are mindful and diligent in our daily footsteps
Helping our Planetary and Universal consciousness internalize
a positive New Earth worldview
Becoming the change we want to see in the world

See you further on up the trails,


Wading Through the Blues with Heron

Keeping up with the Joneses is a well-trained mantra
in our modern externally directed world.
But this kind of living is finite and unsustainable.

We are living in an expert society . . .
Where temptations abound to give up our power to another –
Like we do when reacting violently or putting a guru on a pedestal.

But with Heron, we are snatching aggressive self-determination, self-reliance
and heeding the call of our own innate wisdom to know what path we must follow.
We need to remember to temper our raw emotions
by channeling our energy into positive and constructive action.

The only sustainable way to co-create change in our world is from the inside out.
Revolutionary zeal – without the hate.

Overcoming our fear of the unknown means leaning into our feelings.
Gut wrenching as they might be –
We are here to learn lessons.
And while gentle growth is a real possibility –
Try not to demonize getting uncomfortable . . .
By swooping in with protective sanitation tactics.

Meditate on children for a moment . . .
Are they not conduits into a deeper understanding
of the mystery of the present moment?
Are you going with the flow of these changing tides –
While moving through transitions as gracefully as possible?

If you are focused on life’s cosmetic imperfections . . .
Beyond a cursory glance –
Take a closer look at what is stimulating your soul from a deeper place.
Sitting with that might buy you time and save you money . . .
from surgically adding more scar tissue.

Heron reflects to us that our legs are conduits to our roots into the earth.
In a balanced way, we are all here to learn to stand on our own two feet.
Connecting with water element gives us an opportunity to
Wade through life’s multi-dimensional realities.

Even in chaos, there is order . . .
Got unpredictable?
There is predictability and security within that.
Trust in the infinite field of solutions and let go of it.
Resolution is on its way – perhaps when you are no longer looking.

Full Moon on Friday the 13th – a bloody good time to honor Sacred Feminine
energies and weave them into our daily walk.

Coming soon, Summer Solstice brings light of masculine yang to its peak.
A good time for manifestation of spirited energies to break out.

As we move further into the Aquarian New Age.
Flock with birds of like-minded feathers
O’er mountain-tops, in the heart of a community or other natural
power centers for New World congregation.

Access and acquire Heron’s medicine
to capitalize on free-flowing energies that are frequently missed opportunities.

See you further on down the trails,


Transformation Within During the Process of Letting Go Without

Since you floated away,
I’ve been pondering my feelings – particularly today.

If I were a movie and you were my director,
After your credits were over, I could no longer cry on your shoulder.

As your script flashed before my interior eye,
I was left disillusioned before I could cry.

Literally, I was your creation – your pride and joy.
You were my mommy, and I was your little boy.