A Ring Of Fire New Moon Eclipse, Hunter Full Moon & Spirits Rising on The Samhain, etc. in October into Early November.

Photo by Jess Loiterton on Pexels.com

My, time certainly doesn’t stand still! October is moving further down the pike. The weather is cooling down, days are getting shorter, and the nights are getting longer. Leaves are falling and colorful. In the Northern Hemisphere at least. This is a time where we turn out clocks back and move yin-ward into the mysterious dark and feminine waters of our souls.

In the Southern Hemisphere, it’s a different story. Down yonder, they’re moving away from the Vernal Equinox and toward the Summer Solstice.

If you look at the squirrels out in Nature, you’ll see they reflect the human energetic embodiment of working overdrive. They’re building up their stockpiles of acorns and getting them ready for a wintery rainy day fund when supplies are short. My biggest takeaway from watching squirrels is that they reflect Social Learning Theory at play; the power of learning from modeling. Monkey see, monkey do. We are all mirrors for each other.

Photo by Phil Bearce on Pexels.com

Awakening a light-hearted sense of play in our work is good energy medicine for co-regulation. It’s no secret that meditation as a form of self-care is this writer’s biased for inspiring inner peace in humanity. Healthy humor can also really help relax anxiety or the Chattering Monkey Mind, as the Taoists say. I call it the attack of the Nervous Woodland Creature energy, and it can drive you nuts if you let it.

For some, November can’t come soon enough. Is there a preference to whisk away certain moments and specific events like holidays?

Keep in mind that when you get down to it, the present moment is what it is. We might as well say yes to the present moment and accept it for what it is. That doesn’t mean we like or condone it. We all suffer. But there is less suffering when we accept the present moment as it is, and maybe even find a way to embrace or make friends with it. I like to think of sitting with this tension of opposites as recognizing the paradox of being comfortably uncomfortable with whatever the ‘isness’ might look like. That’s how I keep it real.

Remember: What we resist persists!

Everything else is just chatter; whether in the external world of 10, 000 things or within our own individualized Inner Tapestries. Whether we are making projections into the past or into the future; those projections are illusionary and become part of our suffering as humans. Time traveling into the past can easily turn into depression, while moving into the future can lead us down the trails of anxiety.

It is the clinging and grasping to feelings about the past or future that can weigh heavily on our souls. We might feel regrets about past transgressions or feel unsettled about the unknown of what’s next in our quest? Tossing these thought forms into the fire is a good ritual for releasing the ways of the old self to clear space for the awakening of the New Self and the next chapter along the journey. Many people I know are feeling called to let go of their old selves but also uncertain about how the New Self will manifest in their Next Chapter. The one constant in life is change.

Photo by Maris Rhamdani on Pexels.com

A Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse will happen on October 14. In alignment with regular New Moon experiences, we can look forward to new beginnings. Further, the eclipse status of this New Moon, it’s like a regular New Moon on steroids, and it will be very powerful.

The real magic in the intensity of these energies is the power of surrender. Feeling out of control will be amplified during this time. With faith and trust, we can take the leap and trust that we will land where we need.

Paradoxically, a control free zone can actually be empowering to let go and trust that you will be guided by the Universe. If only we can go with the flow, we can allow ourselves to receive what we need for our current state of consciousness.

Photo by Bess Hamiti on Pexels.com

Meditation on the interplay between giving and receiving and their energies can inspire us to find balance in this area. Picture staying in the center of a circle on the razor’s edge without getting too far swayed in either direction.

When you allow yourself to receive, you clear space to give. The diametrical opposite is true for those in a pattern of otherwise. Along this novel terrain, we awaken equanimity in our lives. In this experience, spirit grows in power, while the ego relaxes its grip, and becomes more of a servant rather than a master.

As such, we will likely come out of this transition with increased strength, leadership capabilities, and maybe even some newfound skills or talents. It will be a time to reinforce deeper and higher new intentions with great power. With the spirited energies at our backs, our capacity to become the change we want to see in the world will be amplified during this time.

Maybe instead of being caught up in the duality of the situation, we can find a way to collaborate. Perhaps one of the most powerful lessons when working with Libra energy is to find our sense of collaboration rather than compromise in relationships. A certain relationship may be triggered in our lives, and we may find ourselves having to assess our interactions with this person.

Sometimes, we have a hard time keeping our own power or might find ourselves getting sucked into someone else’s energy field. Moreover, the tensions of opposites can feel like an internal tug of war about how to handle a certain situation or person or let go of an old relationship that no longer services us.

We cannot bypass the work or smooth it over with love and light. We have to venture deep into the dark, and we have to make peace with the shadows so we can transmute them to the light. It gets us to delve deeper into all of those shadowy crevices that we often like to ignore.

Even though we may hold wounds and traumas, it’s never too late to reclaim our inner child, and lead a beautifully authentic life that we are meant to live. Our wounds can be our strength. May we harmonize with what will result from this Eclipse. If we have been caught off balance initially, may we follow a path toward greater peace and self-acceptance with where we are.

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The Hunter Moon will occur on Saturday, October 28. Like all moons, this moon goes by many names. Traditionally, game animals are fattened on late summer bounty, and hunted for winter storage. Falling leaves and less brush during the day brings better visibility for day tracking or hunting, while the moonlight makes it easier to see or hunt animals at night.

As the veils thin, may we co-regulate with these powerfully spirited energies in a way that leaves us awakening to the realm of inner peace. But not without grieving the dirge of past loved ones that can leave a heavy heart. Honoring a loved one who has left this earth with an item of power or keepsake to remember them by can bring levity to your soul by awakening a spirited connection to them. You can even use this time to re-work your earthly relationship in a way that is healing for you now, as well as their spirit. Think of this as a win-win Karmic clearing exercise.

Pop culture’s iconic Halloween gets its spirit from the traditional Samhain on the 31st, All Saint’s Day, Day of the Dead & All Soul’s Day November 1st & 2nd. Our cross-cultural ancestors observed and named this period as the thinning of the veils- where the spirit & material realm are believed to more readily intersect, co-mingle and potentially co-regulate with each other.

From a consciousness perspective, the wearing of the masks can awaken shapeshifting and portals into other alternate or imaginative realms. Brain science has confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt that brainwaves do change during this extra or non-ordinary states of consciousness. Simple shifting your awareness to your Third Eye can help bring you into a perceptual shift into a different dimensional vibration. People who become consistent meditators change their brains, their DNA, and their general experience with life. That’s why it’s really hard to go back to the old ways once you awaken to these novel neuronal pathways. This transformation is Alchemy.

Finally, a consistent meditation practice can become a strong ally in the development of listening and sensitivity skills, as well as reinforcing empathy and compassion in our approach regarding our interactions with each other. Our world can’t get enough of that now more than ever. There is so much help from the spirit realm. All we have to do is ask. And of course be open to allowing ourselves to receive.

Take care of yourselves everyone,


May Broadcasts A Double Feature Showing Of A New Moon Shine & A Full Flower Moon

Photo by Vika Glitter on Pexels.com

Looking back into the rearview mirror, it appears that the spirited change agents of the past Eclipse Season, Mercury in Retrograde and other energies were contributing factors toward transformation, shakeups and changes in consciousness within our inner and outer worlds.

As the fogs lifts, hawks are friendly reminders that our vision improves with clearer skies ahead.

Do you feel more confident about signing contracts, making long-term plans, and creating commitments now that Mercury’s back in direct?

Are you thinking more rationally and logically nowadays?

Today is a New Moon in Taurus. Plant the seeds of new intentions so that new beginnings will manifest.

Energetically, this is the season of Taurus the Bull from April 19th-May 20th. The Bull is an assertive reminder that you are worthy and you don’t need anything outside of yourself to claim your worthiness. That is a powerfully grounding mantra to live by in the material world of 10,000 things.

After an intense Eclipse Season, it is time to slow down, stabilize and ground our bodies. Some concrete grounding strategies are getting out in Nature, feel your bare feet on the ground and give yourself some indulgences with creature comforts.

Remember that self-care is about what makes you feel good and supports your overall wellness. Find ways to enjoy the natural materials of the living organism aka Mother Earth. Just as an example, I have been enjoying playing flag football and rucking (hiking with a weighted vest) because for me, they are grounding forces to awaken material enjoyment and spiritual fulfillment in my life.

May the energy of Bull remind us to slow down our pace, stop and smell the roses, splash some cool water on our faces, and welcome abundance to support what we truly value. In general, it’s a good time to come out of shade and into the light to feel the sun on our faces, so long as you don’t get scorched.

Later on in May and into most of June, Gemini’s energy will be magnified in the air. My daughter’s a Gemini and she reminds me that when their energetic time of year springs up, its a double reminder to focus on communication and reflect on our authentic thoughts and feelings about what’s going on in our heads and hearts. The twins are good reminders that as humans, we are part creature and part divine; spiritual beings having human experiences. May we become creative and social beings during our experiences in relationships.

May deeper clarity unfold along the journey into the windows of our souls and the flowering of our consciousness during this time.

Can we move through the scar tissue of our judgements into a sphere of awareness of forgiveness and acceptance?

Positive Self Talk is always good medicine, but its power is even more amplified at this time.

In our travels, are we feeling moved toward various forms of communication like storytelling, writing and teaching or coaching? We all have a voice to find and we need to broadcast them effectively from the inside out. When arriving from a dimension of inner peace, its energetic vibration of our voices will be magnified significantly.

Every experience is a lesson that can sharpen our minds, deepen our intuition, and increase our wisdom.

Why do you think your soul chose to incarnate, become mortal and choose what to learn from during this lifetime’s experience?

Photo by Steven Paton on Pexels.com

A Full Flower Moon will happen on Thursday, May 23rd. Hummingbirds accentuate this point because they embody effective cross pollination of spreading the seeds of love and flowering of consciousness.

Of course this moon goes by many names, such as Mulberry Moon by the Creek and Choctaw or Moon of Green Leaves by the Lakota or Field Maker Moon by Abenaki.

Other ancestral names given by the Celtics and Old English are Hare or Grass Moon. And for those who hear the peepers singing, it’s easy to understand where the name Frog Moon sprung from, if you’ll pardon the seasonal apropos pun.

Speaking of frogs, remember the beautiful Lotus Flower grows out of the Lily Pad in the gnarly swampy bog areas. This is the true roots and meaning behind Flower Power because the Lotus Flower represents the Flowering of Consciousness and awakening our Human Potential.

Don’t buy into the commercial that sells that the 60s were all about sex, drugs and rock and roll. Yes, those ingredients were real parts of that era. But underneath those appetizers was a main course meal that fed consciousness; including the questioning of conventional societal programing, working on Civil Rights and leveling the playing field.

When we truly acknowledge an authentic awakening taking root in our souls, we recognize that we are living on Indigenous lands, and have all been affected by Colonization. In this state of awareness, we will evoke a living memory of our ancestral roots. May we breathe in a sense of clarity, renewal, healing, and rejuvenation into our souls during this season.

Given the current and historical oppression that humankind has experienced on the Planet; including the genocide and enslavement of various groups of people, including Semitic, BIPOC & LGBTQ+ folks- it can be challenging to perceive the infinite possibilities awaiting humanity to co-create a more fair and just society.

Meditate on We The People consciousness; as well as the truth that everyone are Chosen People created in the image of Creator. This mantra will bear fruit to transcendence and transformation with humanity, our Planet and beyond. We are all One and Diverse expressions of Great Spirit.

Take care of yourselves everyone,


Stepping Into A Full Pink Moon Through The Energetic Footprints Of Bull . . .

Photo by Mo Eid on Pexels.com

How we see ourselves and how we identify is age old question for humanity . . .

Spiritually, we are formless beings inhabiting a body that is having a human experience. Truly, this experience is shaped by many things. Moreover, kindly keep in mind that we are sovereign beings and have a far greater say in the life we choose to live than we often realize.

Our bodies are vehicles that our souls travel in during our walkabout on Mother Earth. As souls, we incarnated here to become mortal so that we can learn new ways of being and grow personally and spiritually.

Energetically, this is the season of Taurus the Bull from April 19th-May 20th. The Bull is an assertive reminder that you are worthy and you don’t need anything outside of yourself to claim your worthiness. That is a powerfully grounding mantra to live by in the material world of 10,000 things.

In a way, tapping into the energy of Taurus is countercultural, in the sense that it contradicts the party line of consumerism. Consumerism programs us to buy into the idea that who we become is based on what products we identify with and buy. Like my aunt who likes to rant says, “you can sell it . . . but I don’t have to buy it.”

Of course our belief systems of who we are can also be ascribed to the herd mentality of group consciousness, like the divided times we are living in. You all know this already; the peddling of the divisive viewpoints such as, us and them, dog eat dog and winners and losers.

Remember that the Hidden Hand can only stay hidden if it goes unexamined. Focus on your own hidden self and keep in mind that whatever is lurking in the shadows is really trying to show us our fears and repressed emotions. These shadows are also feelings of shame we might be carrying around ourselves and our lives. But they don’t need to spook, seduce or possess us.

Some ways we can allow the light to illuminate the shadows is to ponder the following questions for self-reflection. You can write out a question at night before you go to sleep, tuck it under your pillow and then see what comes up for you when you wake up and journal about it. May what comes to the surface be a beacon of light in the shadowy fog:

1.) What brings me a feeling of safety and comfort?

2.) What are 3 things I can do to feel more organized?

3.) What are 4 steps I can take to nurture my dreams and goals?

4.) I value…

5.) I am worthy to receive…

Speaking of lifting fog and clearer skies ahead, Mercury will continue in Retrograde till April 24th. Mercury in Retrograde is akin to the old Twilight Zone TV series and a time where our minds may play tricks on us; particularly where left brain activity and machines don’t compute or calculate as accurately.

Perceptual shifts are happening, which is why making big decisions or signing contracts when Mercury is in Retrograde is ill advised.

More importantly, this is a great time to look back at our past selves so that we can shape shift into our future selves, and become the change we want to see in our inner and outer worlds. Even after the 24th, when Mercury goes back direct, it can take up to 10 days for the fog to feel like it has completed lifted.

But the day before that, a Full Pink Moon on the 23rd will rise, and cross pollinate in our spirits; hopefully as gently and gracefully as possible. This moon gets its name from the spreading of moss pink or pink phlox across the fruited plains of the Northern Americas.

Of course this moon goes by many names. After the dirge of Winter, rebirth and new growth are what’s up. May there be a celebration of life singing in the chambers of our collective souls.

For exapmple, in the Jewish tradition, this moon is also known as the Passover Moon because it is symbolic of ancestral freedom from Egypt. Early colonists from the northern Americas called it the Planter’s Moon for obvious reasons, as well as the Sugar Maker Moon, given the season of collecting sap and making maple sugar and syrup. Neo-Pagan traditions named this moon the Awakening Moon because spirits are awakening after a long Winter slumber.

When an awakening takes root in our souls and we recognize that we are living on Indigenous lands. In this state of awareness, we will evoke a living memory of our ancestral roots. May we breathe in a sense of clarity, renewal, healing, and rejuvenation into our souls during this season.

Finally, when our beloved souls leave this Earth and transition into their next stage with Spirit, they become our ancestors. Recently, my spiritual counselor left his human form and let go of his body. Unexpected deaths are always a harder taste of bitter to digest. For me, this magnified other significant losses in my life that I am grieving and feeling really sad about. When our loved ones leave us it’s hard not to feel abandoned, rejected, ghosted and more lonely. We miss their presence in our lives; especially their human form. We are connected to them and they are part of us and we are part of them. But when they leave us behind, it can awaken the experience of a new and deeper connective experience that illuminates the soul with Love and Truth. When I remember Leo, I feel his presence in my life, working his magic from the spirit realm, just as he did while he lived on this Earth. Except now his energy is releasing from form and manifesting its power in new ways that are beyond our human comprehension. We will miss you Leo Knighton Tallarico. Looking forward to new connective experiences in the Mirror of the Mind meditations.


Take care of yourselves everyone,


A Full Worm Moon, Winds of Change and the Medicinal Magic of Crow & Ram’s Fiery Spirit . . .

A Full Worm Moon Lunar Eclipse will happen on March 25th. At this time, we are graced with a friendly reminder that the early bird gets the worm. Might as well get ahead of the weather, as Eclipses tend to amp up revelations or clues coming our way.

Medieval English and Neo-Pagan circles call this the Chaste Moon to honor the purity of the renewal of life associated with Spring. Everything is ephemeral and the new growth is enough to make us drunk with the spirit of the season.

Change is on the horizon and more powerful messages and shakeups in consciousness are on their way. Spring officially begins on March 19th; reflecting the time where light and dark energies are in equal alignment in Nature. Meditate on the mantra, out with the old, in with the new.

Some tribes named this Full Moon after Crow. Crows are symbolic of change and their black color reflects primordial creation in the mysterious womb of life. In the wake of the energy of Crow, their medicine is in alignment with the Ram.

Aries the Ram reminds us to assert ourselves in new areas. They also inspire us to keep trying and cultivate our sensitivity. In Western Astrology, Aries is considered the start of the astrological new year because the March Equinox always aligns with the start of the Aries season. Further, it marks the first sign of the zodiac and represents the first day of our trip around the zodiac wheel.

Mercury will be in Retrograde on April 1-24. Mercury in Retrograde is akin to the old Twilight Zone TV series. Also, April Fool’s Day fits right in as a time where our minds play ticks on us. That’s why we’re not advised to make big decisions or sign contracts when Mercury is in Retrograde. This is a great time to look back at our past selves so that we can shape shift into our future selves, and become the change we want to see in our inner and outer worlds.

Synchronistically, the Fool card is the first card in the Tarot deck and symbolizes new beginnings, having faith in the future, being inexperienced, not knowing what to expect, having beginner’s luck, improvisation and believing in the Universe. May we embrace taking the leap of faith it takes to move out of our comfort zones, expand our horizons, and to listen to our inner feelings.

Given shifting weather patterns, and strong winds as air temperatures commonly rise in early Spring; it’s no coincidence that the winds of change are in the air.

And then a Solar Eclipse on April 8th breathes in powerful healing energies. May it awaken a positive turning point and support cultivating a brighter new chapter. The Sunlight is rising and will peak on the Summer Solstice in later June.

Be mindful that there will be more fire element during the April Eclipse, with new inspirational energies beaming in. It will be a good time to take action on what you want to manifest during this time period. Pisces knows dreams and we should all remember to keep dreaming. But Aries is about action. And at the end of the day, we all need to act in order to do or do not, like Master Yoda says.

Take care of yourselves everyone,


Rising Up To A Full Snow Moon And Surfing The Flowing Tidings Of Pisces

Pisces time of year reflects endings and beginnings. The fish bring in tidings of change, and the mystical intersection of shorelines and seasonal transitions between the death of winter and the rebirth of spring.

For example, the Fish are at the tail end of the Zodiac and they swim in between Winter and Spring. Like the oceans receiving the rest of the waterways, all the other signs flow into Pisces.

A Full Snow Moon on February 24th reveals the waning peak wintry conditions mixed with the promise of new growth, longer days and warmer weather as we spring ahead.

This will be the last Full Moon of the Zodiac before the Spring Eclipse Season in later March and early April. The winds of change will be blowing into our individual and collective souls during this time. Shakeups in consciousness are in the airwaves.

Seasons reflect the spiritual Law of Transience; everything changes and is ephemeral. The stirrings of spring are happening both below and above the ground. Can you hear the forrest coming alive?

Time to let go of the old self and whatever old narratives that have defined your life and make the transition into the new chapter or new book. There is a feeling of starting over, which can be both exciting and mysterious. What magical new adventures are awaiting?

Keep in mind that it is natural to grieve the death of the old self and say goodbye to old relationships. But it is best not to indulge in those feelings or be a suckerfish to your grieving process. Might as well say yes to the new growth that wants to manifest into new frontiers.

We made it through the tunnel! Use these energies to light your way into new pathways.

Like the yin and the yang, the two fish will come full circle and return to a new endpoint. In the death of endings, there is rebirth in beginnings. The Spring Equinox is symbolic of balance between masculine and feminine energies, as they are in equal alignment with one another at this junction.

And then around the Spring Equinox, fiery Aries carries the torch into new beginnings. Energetically, this is like a new year. It’s no coincidence that baseball season starts around this time; America’s pastime. While the Fish go with the flow and swim around in circular fashion, the Ram is I Am consciousness and wants to knock it out of the park, if you’ll pardon the baseball pun.

The Spring Equinox shows light and dark energies are equal, like the shorelines do. Water and Land are diverse expressions of elemental forces. They mark the flowing mystery of life because they are in between land and sea. May we walk with them in an ancestral footprint of one foot in spirit and one foot in ground.

Remember when the fiery energies of spring are arriving, gently allow the cool waters of Pisces to vaporize them with an ocean spray of fresh air.

Take care of yourself everyone,


A New Moon In Aquarius, Chinese New Year of the Dragon, Tunneling Through Imbolc with Groundhog Energy & Awakening The Ability To Accept Change With Ladybug.

Last Friday, February 2nd was the Imbolc, the approximate halfway point between the Winter Solstice and Vernal Equinox, or the first day of Spring on March 19th. 

Days are getting longer everyday. Before long, light and dark energies will be equal on the first day of Spring. Like the yin and yang, masculine and feminine energies will be in equal alignment with Nature’s rhythym.

In modern American lore, the Imbolc is popularly know as Groundhog Day. Everyone wonders if the groundhog will see his shadow or not.

On a deeper level, Groundhog spiritually symbolizes death without dying, from an energetic perspective. Meditation on death without dying can encourage us to live our lives to the fullest- or play ever down like our last, as my old football coaches used to say.

Winter is the death cycle in Nature, when we go deeper into the Dreamtime. Groundhogs hibernate during the Winter. They remind us that even in the dirge, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Our tunneling through the darkness represents a safe passage into a new realm of being.

Energetically, the stirrings of Spring are happening as the seeds underground are starting to think about waking up. A simple shift in mindset might help give us a lift from any Winter blues we might be feeling now.

A New Moon in Aquarius on February 9th tunnels further into the Chinese New Year of the Wood Dragon on February 10th. Remember that Aquarius is rebellious and is in alignment with finding their own way as unique individuals, yet finding ways to be true to their selves but also fit into a group. This is captures the program design of Diversity Within Unity, the mantra of a New Age and Paradigm.

In Chinese astrology, the Wood element represents vitality and creativity. Dragon makes connection to success, intelligence and honor in Chinese culture. This alchemy makes people born in the Year of the Wood Dragon full of energy and drive. They dream of changing the world and spring forth innovative ideas and manifesting their ideas.

Also, I had an encounter with a ladybug recently. Winter is an unusual time to see them, but I took my encounter as a bright spot that warmer weather is on its way.

Ladybugs are symbolic of metamorphosis, as beetles also symbolize. Recognizing that change is an inevitable part of life, may we awaken to the reality that we will encounter death and rebirth during the season of authentic living. When one door closes, another door opens.

These spirit guides can awaken the idea of reincarnation. However, even if we believe in other lifetimes; it is wise to remember that our current lifetime should be our primary focus in the here and now.

May we allow our current life cycle to afford us the vantage point to see that our old selves are akin to past lives. And then we can look at our new self as once a future self that now is. Perhaps meditation on this perspective might open up your consciousness and relax rigid thought forms.

Remember what we resist persists. Might as well say yes to the changes in seasons that our mythical life quest reveals.

Take care of yourselves everyone,


A New Moon, New Year & Tracking Ahead Into A New Age and Paradigm . . .

Photo by Shelby Waltz on Pexels.com

The Capricorn New Moon on January 11, 2024 kicks off the first new moon of the new year. 2024 will be a significant energetic catalyst for powerful transformation. If we add this year’s numbers up, we get 8.

As we remember past writings, we know that the number 8 is the sign of Infinity. Infinity is where the realm of infinite possibilities, dreams, visions and solutions live.

Just imagine the new possibilities of a new chapter that are awaiting our future selves.

In the Mirror of the Mind, may we envision the Universe’s energy amplifying the intentions we set for the year ahead.

It’s hard to go wrong with committing to an intent to be happy by placing personal happiness at the top of the list.

Energetically, this new moon will embody highly transformative energy that can facilitate the release of leftover energies from last year. Letting go will support us in clearing space to receive the new energies of 2024.

May this new moon and new year bring us good fortune toward the positive systemic change we so desire! Winter’s slumber is a good time to rest and get ready for Spring’s rebirthing energies.

Movement further into the New Golden Age and Paradigm of Aquarius is guiding us toward awakening our better angels and becoming better stewards of our planet and with each other.

The energy of Aquarius inspires humanity to awaken our unique diverse expressions of spirit, coupled with knowing our oneness in 2024 and beyond.

On a cosmic level, may the Full Wolf Moon on January 25 bring levity to our souls and be a harbinger of inspiration and creative energy.

Prioritize playing and a sense of adventure in the year ahead. Like the wise old saying goes, follow your bliss and everything else will follow.

Meditation on the archetypal Wise Wolf as a spirit guide awakens a positive self talk mantra that becomes the moon and harmonizes with its environment.

Use the power of this Full Moon to release what is no longer joyful in your life and stay away from doing anything that weighs you down or feels heavy.

Also, it will be the year of the dragon on February 10th, 2024.

Dragon symbolizes power, change and spirituality and can awaken self-love and empowerment by tapping into your inner royalty and power.

Dragon represents masculine soul energy or yang.

Consider Dragon’s connection to the mythical Phoenix, which symbolizes the sacred power of the feminine or yin. The Yin and the Yang, masculine and feminine are at their natural best when flowing in balance with one another.

Take care of yourselves everyone,


The Year of The Dragon Breathes Fire Into a Howling Full Wolf Moon.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

According to Chinese astrology, it will be the year of the dragon on February 10th, 2024.

Dragon symbolizes power, change and spirituality and can awaken self-love and empowerment by tapping into your inner royalty and power.

Dragon represents masculine soul energy or yang.

Consider Dragon’s connection to the mythical Phoenix, which symbolizes the sacred power of the feminine or yin. The Yin and the Yang, masculine and feminine are at their natural best when flowing in balance with one another.

A Full Wolf Moon on January 25, 2024 symbolizes feeding our wise minds. We have our rational minds and our emotional minds.

May our wise minds balance out the rational & emotional. Lead with the heart and mind our heads.

It is a good sign of mental health when the right and left hemispheres of our brains are communicating effectively with one another.

In alignment with that, Wolf energy is a spiritual pathfinder that will leave you novel tracks in consciousness into a New Chapter.

What new trails do you want to howl into your life as you blaze into the New Year ahead?

Wolf government is an interesting interplay between hierarchy and horizontal balance of power. It would behoove us to examine how a healthy interplay between a social democratic approach might harmonize with our politics of living.

A more fair and just society will highlight equal access to quality healthcare, which emphasizes sound mental health and wellness. But more importantly; people have the self evident incentives to choose sound mental health and wellness as a way of life.

Imagine systemic support for self care practices, such as yoga, massage, chiropractic, acupuncture, and tai chi & qigong being strongly encouraged into everyday well being and mental health practice. The power of the individual to self-soothe, community co-regulation and finding peaceful and non-violent ways to co-exist for mutual aid is a key dynamic for an effective systemic transition into a New Age and Paradigm.

Take care of yourselves everyone,


Shooting The New Moon Into A New Chapter

Photo by Mikhail Nilov on Pexels.com

The only constant in life is change, aka the Law of Transience. May the energy of this New Moon in Sagittarius on Tuesday, December 12 be a friendly reminder that Nature reflects change.

Like the seasons, change is inevitable. Tastebuds change, relationships change, and even our DNA can change. But with change, there is a death of the old self; not without its grieving.

What makes Sagittarius so unique is its dynamic blend of passion, curiosity, intensity, and adaptability. The archer or a hybrid human/horse centaur, is symbolic of this sign.

Moreover, their energies aren’t afraid to use its bow and arrow to explore expansive terrain, seeking answers in places and spaces others wouldn’t dare venture.

Remember that even in the darkness of death, there is the rebirth of light. Truly, we grieve the loss of death energy. And yet at the same time; may we welcome the light born again unto our souls.

It is the last New Moon of 2023. Fitting this New Moon is associated with fiery and passionate energies.

Might as well be in alignment with these energies and go out with a bang, in peaceful and non-violent ways of course. Peaceful and non-violent strategies are more sustainable ways of conflict resolution and harmonizing with our environment.

Where are you at on your map of consciousness with regards to change? Are you resisting the changes of your old self? Or are you moving into a place of gratitude, letting go and even surrendering to the Universe’s signs and synchronicities to light your way? Are you allowing yourself to paint a creative picture in a New Chapter in the Mirror of the Mind?

Given our modern cultural narrative that conditions us to buy into holiday mania of rampant consumerism, artificial light, and being up all the time; it’s no wonder people get depressed about darker days and darker emotions. But darker days invite us to examine our darker thoughts, which are quite natural.

The real suffering is the clinging to and resistance of our thoughts and then the emotional reactions, judgements and stories thereof.

It can be freeing to simply watch out thoughts, and even go beyond our judgements into a dimensional shift of awareness.

Awareness, along with the the power of Universal energies right now can help you take action to create the New Chapter that you desire. It can be done with letting go of the old chapter with gratitude; so as to facilitate a healthy transition into the New Chapter with as much love as possible.

Moreover, the Sagittarius New Moon is a great time to focus on healing and bringing yourself into a state of balance. Use this New Moon to plant seeds of calm balance and think about what you want to manifest for the weeks ahead.

On the day after the New Moon, Mercury in Retrograde will happen on December 13th and stay till January 1, 2024. I saw a hawk do a flyover the other day, and it felt like a prequel to the chi of the forthcoming Mercury in Retrograde. In much the same way as Coyote’s vibe, Mercury in Retrograde can bring in trickster energy into the 3-D realm.

Beyond that, there is a higher vibration on a multidimensional level. For example, in mythology, Mercury is the Messenger of the Gods. Further, during its retrograde cycle, it can more quickly and easily bring these messages to us intuitively. This is a powerful time to focus on your intuitive and psychic gifts.

Pay mindful attention to your intuition and other subtler forms of communication like dreams, synchronicities, and perhaps consulting spiritual oracle decks under Mercury Retrograde. They will likely be sending you encouraging positive reinforcements for authentic living, if only we gently allow for them to build gradually, like the power of water.

A Full Cold Moon will happen the day after Christmas, on December 26th. This is the darkest Full Moon of the year because it always occurs around the Winter Solstice, the darkest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. The Winter Solstice will happen on December 21st. Like our ancestors that came before us, this is a good time to gather around a fire, honor the darkness, go deep into our soul caves and begin to coax back the light. After the Winter Solstice, our days will become a little longer. Paradoxically, it will be the opposite in the Southern Hemisphere; the Vernal Equinox will bring shorter days ahead. The Winter Solstice is a powerful time for expressing gratitude for what is and letting go of what was.

Take care of yourselves everyone,


Thank You For Giving & Receiving

Last week’s Scorpio New Moon took place on November 13th.

As New Moons do, our souls awaken to an amplified time of introspection and reflection.

Because our Qi is drawn inwards,

we are naturally aligned to feel more in tune with our inner world.

New Moons are always a good point in the month to

check in with yourself to see how you are feeling.

Looking back on the last Eclipse season . . .

May we be invited to reflect on how Eclipses are catalysts for a highly transformative time.

Were the first few weeks of November a revealing self portrait

of navigating change and upheaval?

Does your life look differently than it did a month or even a week ago?

Have you observed any power plays coming up in your relationships?

How might they guide you in a way to support your personal growth?

As always, try to be patient and gentle with yourself in the process.

Give yourself time and space to digest all that has unfolded.

Keep in mind the old saying,

you are what you eat applies to the energy we consume in our thoughts.

Mindfulness is about watching our thoughts like clouds, like many of us did when we were kids.

Lots to see in cloud formations.

Everyday living gives us so many moments of being visited by our feelings.

Just be curious about them and try to carry a position of curiosity and empathy.

Our feelings, like anything else for that matter,

are better off not to being seduced by fear or demonized.

Truly, fear is part of all of our lives.

Anxiety is a fact of life that sometimes ignites into panic.

It can cripple us if we let it.

Or we can let it direct the course of our lives if we allow it, or name it, own it,

and then use it as fuel to direct our own chariots.

The Beaver Full Moon will occur on Monday, November 27th.

In the Northern Americas, most trees and shrubs have shed their leaves.

Frost gathers on blades of grass and beavers begin to build their dams before the ground freezes.

Nature is foreshadowing the dirge of Winter and the dark tunnel we are moving into.

Modern society makes it normal to resist this yin-ward train by marketing being up all the time;

emphasizing artificial light, and consumerism on steroids,

like Black Friday and overeating at Thanksgiving.

As a popularly celebrated holiday, Thanksgiving is not without controversy.

Through the lens of Love and Truth, we can acknowledge the mixed and conflictual feelings

and systemic trauma that arrives from Colonization and Occupation.

Indigenous cultures around the Planet are well versed in this reality.

Even the so called White People are descendants

from old traditional ways that are often long forgotten.

Just as an example, the early Christian church wove pagan rituals into the tapestry of its teachings.

We are all Chosen People.

There is no country club that will give you exclusive access or buy you a Stairway To Heaven.

The Kingdom is within and all around you for everyone.

Think about the dimensional shift as movement into

a more horizontal structure than a vertical one.

There’s nothing wrong with an everyday Thanksgiving, or an attitude of gratitude in life.

Spiritually, turkeys symbolize shared blessings, and reflects connections to the Third Eye chakra.

Meditation on the energy of Turkey will help you relax and ward off negative chi,

or even evil spirits if those semantics resonate accordingly.

A vibrational shift into a new dimension happens when we

give thanksgiving to the Universe for the abundance it provides and wants us to tap into.

Till we tweet again,
