Expressing My Gratitude

Daily writing prompt
How do you express your gratitude?
Photo by Alexas Fotos on

The most important way I express gratitude is by setting an everyday intention and commitment to have an attitude of gratitude as a way of life. Every morning before I get out of bed, I remember this mantra before my feet hit the floor, and wake up expecting synchronicity. Also, I conclude my morning meditation practice by saying “thank you” three times. Practicing random acts of kindness without a sense of betting something back in return amplifies the experience.

As I go about my day, regardless of what my moods or feelings might be, I try to enjoy the little things. And even if I don’t, I work on appreciation, acceptance and even embracing what is. Yes, inner peace can be more challenging when any given situation is asking me to come out of my bubble or see the blessing that might be brilliantly disguised within the apparent curse. One way I have been pushing my edge with this is working building gratitude for and relaxing my judgments about provocative adult emotional reactions.

Positive self talk helps a lot. But so does allowing the negative self talk to pass with care as gently as possible without trying to push them away or throw them in the trash. I try to remember to have an open, passive attitude to whatever the moment calls for. Watching my thoughts and feelings like clouds and sometimes even thanking them for showing up helps me stay in a place of gratitude.

And I try to use “I-messages” as a form of effective communication. For example, if I am asked to do something at work or at home that I don’t want to do or having a hard time with, I’m getting better at asserting myself by saying something like, “I really don’t want to paint the house and would rather pay someone else to do the job. But I’m not unwilling to do the job and am open to having a conversation about it.” This has been hard for me because I don’t like disappointing people. When I do that, I find that it isn’t about getting my way, it is more about speaking my truth and then letting go of it so that I don’t build resentments. Sometimes, saying no is saying yes.

When gratitude is my inner state of consciousness, I feel less seduced by the clinging or grasping of whatever presents itself in the theater of life.

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