Peak Experiences On The Summer Solstice

Photo by James Wheeler on

The Summer Solstice will happen on Thursday, June 20. As if the Solstice isn’t enough of a peak experience, a Full Strawberry Moon will follow on the day after. Of course, this Full Moon goes by many names. Some of these names include the Lotus Moon in the Chinese tradition, the Mead Moon in Anglo Saxon tradition or Rose Moon in European tradition.

Don’t you just love the way the different traditional names for the Full Moons reflect the New Aquarian Age of honoring our Diversity Within Unity? There can be many right names to capture the same one Full Moon.

The Summer Solstice will be the longest day on the planet in the Northern Hemisphere. Energies of manifestation and growth abound. Time to get out in Nature’s gardens, feel our feet on the ground, hike up a mountain, take in the waves along the shorelines, feel the warmth of the sunlight on your skin and cool down by the water’s edge.

Keep in mind that it’s the Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere, where it will be their darkest day of the year. A perfect planetary embodiment of the yin and the yang; light and dark or the fluidity of masculine and feminine energies at play. Like our brains, the planet has two hemispheres and we need both to be in healthy communication with one another. There can’t be light without dark or female without male.

Balance is key. Spirits can get out of control in the sweetness of summertime, which is why we keep our feet on the ground to soak up our connection to Mother Earth. Turtles are good reminders for knowing when to come out of our shell; while at the same time remaining anchored in and secure in our footing.

Cancer the Crab energies are in the air and in their elemental forces with water. Given their unwavering intersections between the sea and shorelines, Cancer can teach us how to work with emotional and material realms.

Like every year, the Sirius Gateway opens up our spiritual connection to the light energies of Sirius on July 3-7th. Narratives as told by our ancestors have revealed sacred connections to Sirius and higher forms of consciousness and technology. These connections awaken through this Spiritual Sun or portal to a different dimension.

Meditation on dimensional bleeding and vibrational shifts can awaken and accelerate consciousness expansion. Some interesting synchronicities to this include that the Egyptian goddess Isis has been linked to Sirius; as well as the Egyptians referred to Sirius as the Dog Star. Moreover, the Dogon tribe in West Africa teaches about their lineage connection to Sirius.

Although ETs aren’t new to our shared human experience, a growing body of research shows these experiences are on the rise; particularly since the first detonation of the atomic bomb. These abuses of technological terror have a dimensional ripple effect that exceeds the material effects, which are disastrous enough. In much the same way as meditation practices, stories of the Sky People visiting our planet and interacting with humans have been passed down from our ancestors.

Take care of yourselves everyone,


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